The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Available everyday 11a.m. - 4 p.m.
Servido con lechuga, tomates, jalapeños, cebolla, aguacate, queso, mayonesa, y frijoles. Served with lettuce, tomatoes, jalapeños, onions, avocado, cheese, mayonnaise, and beans
Acompañado con crema, queso, lechuga, tomate y guacamole. All served with cream, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and guacamole
Acompañado con papas fritas, lechuga, y tomates. Served with French fries, lettuce, and tomatoes
Acompañado con arroz, frijoles, queso, tomates, lechuga, crema, y guacamole. Served with rice, beans, cheese, tomatoes, lechuga, cream and guacamole
Acompañado con arroz y frijoles. Served with rice and beans
Acompañado con arroz, frijoles, y tortillas. Served with rice, beans, and tortillas