The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Please inform your server about any food allergies, taste preferences, or requests for serving dishes.
Please inform your server about any food allergies, taste preferences, or requests for serving dishes.
Please inform your server about any food allergies, taste preferences, or requests for serving dishes.
Please inform your server about any food allergies, taste preferences, or requests for serving dishes.
Served with a side dish of rice or potatoes, fire-grilled vegetables. Please inform your server about any food allergies, taste preferences, or requests for serving dishes.
Served with potatoes and sauce. Please inform your server about any food allergies, taste preferences, or requests for serving dishes.
Served with a side dish of rice or potatoes, fire-grilled vegetables, fresh salad. Please inform your server about any food allergies, taste preferences, or requests for serving dishes.
Wrapped in pita with the addition of fresh salad, served with potatoes and sauce. Please inform your server about any food allergies, taste preferences, or requests for serving dishes.
On fire grill. Please inform your server about any food allergies, taste preferences, or requests for serving dishes.