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Our signature preserved roses last an entire year and require no maintenance. Our Single Round Box Collection features a 5x10cm handcrafted box that holds 1 preserved rose.
Our signature preserved roses last an entire year and require no maintenance. Our Mini Square Box Collection features a 10x10x10cm handcrafted box that holds 4 preserved roses.
Our signature preserved roses last an entire year and require no maintenance. Our Small Round Box Collection features a 14x12cm handcrafted box that holds 7-9 preserved roses.
Our signature preserved roses last an entire year and require no maintenance. Our Small Round Box Collection features a 18x16cm handcrafted box that holds 12-14 preserved roses.
Our signature preserved roses last an entire year and require no maintenance. Our Medium Square Box Collection features a 18x18x16cm handcrafted box that holds 16 preserved roses.
Our signature preserved roses last an entire year and require no maintenance. Our Medium Square Box Collection features a 27x21cm handcrafted box that holds 23-26 preserved roses.
Our signature preserved roses last an entire year and require no maintenance. Our Large Square Box Collection features a 27x27x21cm handcrafted box that holds 36 preserved roses.