Lucky Star Cafe Mexican Grill
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6:00 a. m.-10:40 p. m.Artículos Destacados
$0 delivery fee, first order
precios y tarifas
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Los artículos y platos ordenados más frecuentemente de esta tienda
Breakfast Served All Day
Fantastic Omelettes
Includes: hash browns or fries, toast and jelly.
Homemade Soup
Fresh Salads
Choice of 1000 Island, blue cheese, ranch or Italian.
Delicious Sandwiches
Sensational Burgers
Fabulous Dinners
Great Mexican Food
Tasty Tacos
Amazing Burritos
Side Orders
Menu prices for this store are estimated. If the amount charged for your items at the store is lower than the amount you were charged at checkout, you'll receive a refund for the difference. Learn More
Los precios pueden variar con los servicios de Entrega y Para llevar.