Mountain Mike's Pizza
4.7(2k+ valuaciones)•
•1.4k+ people reordered
Información de la tienda
4.7(2k+ valuaciones)•
1.4k+ people reordered
Serving up the best pizza in Pleasant Hill the same way Mountain Mike’s has done it since 1978 — dough rolled fresh daily, using real whole milk mozzarella, vegetables and meats sliced every day…all o…
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9:00 a. m.-12:45 a. m.Los Artículos Más Populares Del Menú
$0 delivery fee, first order
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reseñas2k+ valuaciones ratings • 25 reseñas públicas
de 5 estrellas
Miles B
2 contribuciones26/9/24
• Orden de DoorDashPizza is great but the chef salad was just fake bacon bits, cheese and whole slices of ham on top of a salad mix. It was far from advertised in the photo.
David T
2 contribuciones9/12/24
• Orden de DoorDashThese taste great BUT... the last few times we've ordered they have have been getting smaller and smaller. Price is the same for far less.
Stephanie B
Experto local • 75 contribuciones11/11/24
• Orden de DoorDashGood food, fair prices, and the people there are very friendly.
16 contribuciones15/12/24
• Orden de DoorDashpizza was dry. too few toppings.
Scott C
14 contribuciones6/11/24
• Orden de DoorDashvery dry no sauce. slight cheese and toppings
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