Angela’s Ice Cream
Angela’s Ice Cream
Angela’s Ice Cream

Angela’s Ice Cream

4.7(100+ évaluations)
Ice Cream Store
Store Info
4.7(100+ évaluations)
$$Ice Cream Store
At the point when Angela Pryor, a business visionary, educator, and craftsman dominated, she regarded it as a masterpiece in the works. Presently extended to serve guests and voyagers from the Bay Are…

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Reviews100+ ratings • 3 évaluations publiques
of 5 stars
Katherine K
Expert en devenir • 6 contributions
• DoorDash review
Truly the best ice cream I've ever had. I've tried them all, I love them all, but this is a cut above. The Snowhopper is my favorite: cookies and cream with a hint of mint. The texture, the crystals, high density with no air mixed in, generous mix-ins, locally owned, great service.
Jen R
1 contributions
• DoorDash order
Delico gluten free cookie
Genevieve D
2 contributions
• DoorDash order
The chocolate chip cookies were old, dated 6-6-22. Today is the 15th. The menu says baked fresh daily.
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Le plus commandé

Voici les plats et les articles le plus souvent commandés à ce commerce

Scoops and More

Our ice cream is made in small batches with a 100% organic base as we strive to source organic ingredients, right here in Petaluma. We use only fresh fruit and natural flavors. All items are scooped on the spot from our super-fresh ice cream (made daily). Heavenly! *Please call us directly if you find a mistake or if you have a question. We do not have access to your contact info if there is a question/mistake.* Thank you!


Super-fresh ice cream served with whip cream and chopped peanuts. House-made chocolate fudge and/or caramel are included and come on the side. Modifications are always welcome and can be found below! *Please call us directly if you find a mistake or if you have a question. We do not have access to your contact info if there is a question/mistake.* Thank you!

Shakes (14 oz)

Our shakes (14 oz) are made with 10 honest ounces of super-fresh ice cream and 4 ounces of organic milk or milk substitute. Wonderful Clover whip cream or coconut whip (dairy-free) is available. Don't forget to add fun toppings too!


Add a CAKE cone, a SUGAR cone, a homemade Organic WAFFLE cone or homemade Organic, GLUTEN-FREE cone to your order. We box them separately so you can scoop at home.

Our Baked Goods

All baked in-house, our wonderful baked goods are made with top notch organic and local ingredients. The recipes are all original or improved by Angela herself!

Home-made Sauces

Add-ons when you want more. To swap, check the modifier options within category so you don't pay more.

Ice Cream Sandwiches

One (1) scoop of Angela’s Ice Cream hugged either by cookies, brownies, blondies or pies. We pre-make them with classic VANILLA BEAN ice cream and freeze them so they reach your home with practically no melt factor. Both vegan and gluten-free options are available (add to notes).

Les prix sur ce menu sont fixés directement par le commerçant.

Prices may differ between Delivery and Pickup.

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