Cicis Pizza
4.2(1k+ évaluations)•
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4.2(1k+ évaluations)•
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11 h 00 - 21 h 40Articles Les Plus Aimés Dans Le Menu
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Reviews1k+ ratings • 30+ évaluations publiques
of 5 stars
Marcus S
1 contributions10/02/23
• DoorDash orderThe cinnamon rolls were fantastic!! the pizza is awesome in the past the dessert was just ok but dessert was fantastic thank you so much
Ta’Miya Q
1 contributions17/07/24
• DoorDash reviewI ordered a pepperoni pizza, it didnt even have sauce..
Max M
6 contributions20/06/24
• DoorDash orderMac & Cheese pizza is amazing!
Joy B
1 contributions26/04/24
• DoorDash orderpizza was flat, Cinn Rolls amon were not sweet, just tasted like bread
Carolyn E
7 contributions24/04/24
• DoorDash orderI paid $12 for a medium Meat Eater pizza and received a medium cheese pizza. I think that cost $7 or $8. I have no meat. Thank you.
Le plus commandé
Voici les plats et les articles le plus souvent commandés à ce commerce
Create Your Own
Tap into your inner pizza genius and dream up your own creation!
Specialty Pizza
Explore the pizzabilities with fan-favorite specialty pizzas!
Value Packs
Unexpect the expected with new pizza inventions and deals so crazy they might be genius!
Sides & Desserts
For even more deliciousness, add Dessert, a Side or Dipping sauce.
So tender, so crispy, and so saucy you will wonder how we do it!