Dave's Hot Chicken (724 W Main St Ste 500 # Ste)
Dave's Hot Chicken (724 W Main St Ste 500 # Ste)
Dave's Hot Chicken (724 W Main St Ste 500 # Ste)

Dave's Hot Chicken (724 W Main St Ste 500 # Ste)

4.5(200+ évaluations)
Store Info
4.5(200+ évaluations)

Menu complet
10 h 30 - 23 h 39

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0 $ US delivery fee, first order
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Articles les plus aimés dans le menu

Reviews200+ ratings • 10+ évaluations publiques
of 5 stars
Amanda V
5 contributions
3 days ago
• DoorDash order
We had this for the first time and it was amazing! the sliders are wonderful, loaded fries are delicious! Highly recommend!!
xander r
1 contributions
• DoorDash review
this is object the best chicken in texas
Laura E
1 contributions
1 day ago
• DoorDash order
The crinkle fries are the crispiest ever. Yum cheese sauce. The slider was supposed to be HOT, but was bland. Not spicy at all. The pickles saved it. So mild that I'm still unsure my order was correct.
Kiani H
3 contributions
• DoorDash order
Bites had good , great flavor and warm , the fries were cold and hard . I do want to talk about milkshake. Very overpriced and it was melted. Had about 7 pieces of cereal on top . They could have blended it in .
Tonya C
3 contributions
• DoorDash order
I added the Mac and cheese to my fries. Pretty darn tasty
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Le plus commandé

Voici les plats et les articles le plus souvent commandés à ce commerce

DashPass Exclusive Item(s)

Feed A Crowd


Dave's NOT Chicken (Cauli)™

Hand-cut Cauliflower

Dave's Bites and Top Loaded Fries

Dave’s Mini Sliders


Top-Loaded Shakes



Single Use Items

Per some new state and local regulations, we are allowed to provide single use items only upon request. Please select the items you would like for us to include in your order

Les prix sur ce menu sont fixés directement par le commerçant.

Prices may differ between Delivery and Pickup.

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