Voici les plats et les articles le plus souvent commandés à ce commerce
hormone and antibiotic free beef served on King's Hawaiian rolls
hormone & antibiotic free all beef dogs served on King's Hawaiian rolls
hormone and antibiotic free chicken served on King's Hawaiian rolls
hormone and antibiotic free sausages served on King's Hawaiian rolls
Served On King's Hawaiian Rolls
choice of any 2 sliders (cheeseburger, hot dog, corn dog), served plain, plus fries or tots and fountain drink or juice
add your favorite home made dipping sauce on the side
Les prix sur ce menu sont fixés directement par le commerçant.
Menu prices for this store are estimated. If the amount charged for your items at the store is lower than the amount you were charged at checkout, you'll receive a refund for the difference. Learn More
Prices may differ between Delivery and Pickup.