Elizabeth’s Pizza
4.5(2k+ évaluations)•
Store Info
4.5(2k+ évaluations)•
New Management with real Italian people from Naples and friendly staff. We serve fresh authentic Italian food with the finest ingredients daily. We welcome you to try our pizza, pasta, sandwiches and …
Menu complet
10 h 45 - 21 h 35Articles Les Plus Aimés Dans Le Menu
0 $ US delivery fee, first order
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Articles les plus aimés dans le menu
Reviews2k+ ratings • 40+ évaluations publiques
of 5 stars
James P
1 contributions11/12/24
• DoorDash reviewThe hot Cheesesteak subs were packed with meat and the extra goodies. The side salads were crisp and delightful with a good amount of extras on them also.
Great job!
Shandi F
Expert en devenir • 9 contributions31/10/21
• DoorDash orderThe baked ziti and bread was perfect. The salad was very fresh!
Charlene J
Expert en devenir • 26 contributions19/10/24
• DoorDash orderThe Cheddar Broccoli & Cheddar soup was so salty, I could not eat it.
AnnMarie B
12 contributions29/04/24
• DoorDash orderThe pizza was good, but the sun roll was stale then toasted over. Never had s problem here before and we order a lot from Elizabeth's.
Sherry B
1 contributions27/01/24
• DoorDash orderFood is always great. Steak stromboli is a favorite.
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