Janie's Cakes
Janie's Cakes
Janie's Cakes

Janie's Cakes

4.6(100+ évaluations)
Store Info
4.6(100+ évaluations)
Est 1987. Mother-Daughter owned bakery. Making old-fashioned, all-natural pound cakes in the shape of a bundt cake. Packaged to perfection in our signature yellow and white stiped box with a blue ribb…

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10 h 00 - 17 h 20

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0 $ US delivery fee, first order
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Reviews100+ ratings • 5 évaluations publiques
of 5 stars
Sam B
3 contributions
• DoorDash order
This is my absolute favorite of her cakes! The icing to cake ratio was perfect and the flavor was so good!
Thomas T
23 contributions
• DoorDash order
Best I've ever had. Pound cakes continue to reach yet another all-time high.
Erin L
2 contributions
• DoorDash order
Cakes were very dry. Not at all what I expected considering Oprah raves about these cakes so much. Very disappointed especially since they are not cheap.
Michael J
Expert en devenir • 18 contributions
• DoorDash order
Deliciousness in every bite!!!
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Le plus commandé

Voici les plats et les articles le plus souvent commandés à ce commerce

Jane Pound Cakes - Serve 12

Each Jane Size Pound Cake In The Shape Of A Bundt Serves 12

Baby Jane Pound Cakes - Serve 6

Each Baby Jane Size Pound Cake In The Shape Of A Bundt Serves 6

Petite Jane Pound Cakes - Serve 1-2

Each Petite Jane Size Pound Cake In the Shape Of A Bundt Serves 1-2

Unique Treats & Party Supplies

From Janie's biscotti to her fun filled party pack, there is a world of gourmet treats ready to be delivered to your front door.

Les prix sur ce menu sont fixés directement par le commerçant.

Prices may differ between Delivery and Pickup.

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