Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt

Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt

4.7(100+ évaluations)
Ice Cream Store
Store Info
4.7(100+ évaluations)
$Ice Cream Store

Menu complet
12 h 00 - 20 h 40

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0 $ US delivery fee, first order
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Reviews100+ ratings • 3 évaluations publiques
of 5 stars
Ashley L
1 contributions
• DoorDash order
everything, I love orange leaf
Elizabeth F
3 contributions
• DoorDash order
I was just imagining something more flavorful like other smoothies i have gotten from frozen yogurt places but it's not bad.
Steven S
2 contributions
• DoorDash order
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Le plus commandé

Voici les plats et les articles le plus souvent commandés à ce commerce


Our froyo flavors are the best, because we make them that way. No really, we do. Each flavor recipe is uniquely ours and you can’t get it anywhere else!


Made fresh to order, just for you. Choose from our menu of favorites or create a masterpiece of your own. Flavor freedom is yours.


Shake it up with this creamy decadent dessert beverage. That’s right, DESSERT beverage. You choose the froyo, you choose the toppings, we’ll do the rest.

Party Boxes

Say hello to the Pop-Up Party Box. Perfect for birthday parties, school fundraisers and meet ups with friends. The box offers froyo lovers a convenient and easy way to enjoy Orange Leaf at home, at play or even at school—whether it is 12, 25 or 50 cups of froyo (plus toppings).


Les prix sur ce menu sont fixés directement par le commerçant.

Prices may differ between Delivery and Pickup.

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