Paisano's Italian
Paisano's Italian
Paisano's Italian

Paisano's Italian

4(100+ évaluations)
Store Info
4(100+ évaluations)
Paisano's Italian Restaurant offers delicious dining and takeout to Lexington, KY. Paisano's Italian Restaurant is a cornerstone in the Lexington community and has been recognized for its outstanding …

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Antipasti (Appetizers)

Chef Specials

All dishes come with your choice of a minestrone soup or complimentary house salad and fresh homemade rolls includes a garnish of fried potato and zucchini.


All dishes come with your choice of a minestrone soup or complimentary house salad and fresh homemade rolls includes a garnish of fried potato and zucchini.


All dishes come with your choice of a minestrone soup or complimentary house salad and fresh homemade rolls includes a garnish of fried potato and zucchini.


All dishes come with your choice of a minestrone soup or complimentary house salad and fresh homemade rolls includes a garnish of fried potato and zucchini.


All dishes come with your choice of a minestrone soup or complimentary house salad and fresh homemade rolls includes a garnish of fried potato and zucchini.


All dishes come with your choice of a minestrone soup or complimentary house salad and fresh homemade rolls includes a garnish of fried potato and zucchini.





Menu prices for this store are estimated. If the amount charged for your items at the store is lower than the amount you were charged at checkout, you'll receive a refund for the difference. Learn More

Prices may differ between Delivery and Pickup.

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