Ping's Bistro
Ping's Bistro
Ping's Bistro

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小聚一人食(套餐附米饭和小菜)Special Combo for One Person Served with Rice , Side Dishes

特价午餐Lunch Box供应时间为 周一至周五(11:00-14:00),特价午餐lunch box 配有一道主菜+米饭+酸包菜The special lunch Lunch Box is available from Monday to Friday (11:00-14:00), and the special lunch lunch box comes with a main dish + rice + sour pickle cabbage

开胃小菜 Appetizers

云南野生菌盛宴 Yunnan Wild Fungi Dishes

特价午餐Lunch Box供应时间为 周一至周五(11:00-14:00),特价午餐lunch box 配有一道主菜+米饭+酸包菜The special lunch Lunch Box is available from Monday to Friday (11:00-14:00), and the special lunch lunch box comes with a main dish + rice + sour pickle cabbage

小聚云南特色菜(湾区首创滇味菜系) Yunnan Cuisine

留湘小聚San Mateo店云南菜(湾区首创滇味菜系) 温馨提示⚠️:所有云南菜品均无法更改辣度 (Reminder ⚠️: All Yunnan dishes cannot change the spicy level )

招牌田鸡&烤鱼&特色香锅 House Special Live Frogs & grilled Fish &Flaming Pot

经典特色菜 Special Sichuan & Hunan Dishes

农场时令鲜蔬 Stir- fried Dishes

小吃&甜品 Rice & Desserts

酒水饮料 Special Drinks

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Prices may differ between Delivery and Pickup.

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