Restaurant Chez Gerard
4.7(200+ évaluations)•
Store Info
4.7(200+ évaluations)•
Restaurant Chez Gérard is a family business founded in the 1970s. Located at 46 boulevard Cartier in the Laval-Des-Rapides sector, Chez Gérard has been offering unparalleled fast food service for more…
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11 h 00 - 21 h 45Articles Les Plus Aimés Dans Le Menu
0 $ delivery fee, first order
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Articles les plus aimés dans le menu
Reviews500+ ratings • 7 évaluations publiques
of 5 stars
Elena H
1 contributions04/09/23
• DoorDash orderBest club sandwich around, and don't get me started on the brownie..literally to die for
Eitan L
7 contributions19/11/22
• DoorDash orderBEST POUTINE IN MONTREAL/LAVAL (yes - better than those with 'poutine' in their name, and those with nothing else on the menu either.)
Amélie T
4 contributions22/01/22
• DoorDash orderAlways satisfied with the vegetarian gyros!
Sacha L
2 contributions01/07/22
• DoorDash orderPoutine was gross, not the usual cheese rhis time and fries were undercooked. Hopefully it won't happen again.
Roxane L
1 contributions31/12/24
• DoorDash orderfrites sauce au lieu d'une rondelle et hamburger avec deux caps de tomates. vous étiez pas obligé d'être ouvert si ça vous tentait pas de travailler... Dernière commande pour nous
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