Subway® (614 Pawtucket Avenue)
Subway® (614 Pawtucket Avenue)
Subway® (614 Pawtucket Avenue)

Subway® (614 Pawtucket Avenue)

4.1(200+ évaluations)
Store Info
Fermé temporairement sur DoorDash
4.1(200+ évaluations)

Menu complet
09 h 00 - 19 h 30

Articles Les Plus Aimés Dans Le Menu

0 $ US delivery fee, first order
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Articles les plus aimés dans le menu

Reviews200+ ratings • 22 évaluations publiques
of 5 stars
Sarah K
Expert local • 35 contributions
• DoorDash order
I ordered an Italian B.M.T.® and roasted Oven-Roasted Turkey. Both came with what appears to be a whole tub of mayo on it and my turkey sandwich has about a whole onion on it. Im not quite sure what's happened here. Ive ordered these in person from this store before and it was fine
Shannon G
7 contributions
• DoorDash order
Once again the store can't read an order. no extra cheese, a veggie sandwich with almost no veggies and the wrong chips. Epic foil all around this time!!
Laure D
44 contributions
• DoorDash review
The meatball sub was made perfectly how I like. The raspberry cheesecake cookies are great. My order was done right today without a hitch
Sarah K
Expert local • 35 contributions
• DoorDash review
I ordered the Italian bmt and oven roasted turkey. Both had about a tub of mayo on them and one red onion each.
Sarah K
Expert local • 35 contributions
• DoorDash review
I ordered the Italian bmt and oven roasted turkey. Both had about a tub of mayo on them and a whole onion each.
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Le plus commandé

Voici les plats et les articles le plus souvent commandés à ce commerce

Subway® Series

Classic Sandwiches

Snacks, Sides & Desserts

Protein Bowls





Prices on this menu are set directly by the Merchant. Prices may differ between Delivery and Pickup. Due to the nature of how our breads are cooked in restaurant, they may come in contact with other breads that contain allergens, such as sesame, that are not part of their recipe. Please see the allergen chart for the most up to date information on our allergens. Please visit the Subway website for allergen and nutritional information.

Due to the transition of the beverage business from Coca Cola to PepsiCo, Coca Cola and PepsiCo products are subject to availability. Guests may receive PepsiCo product(s) instead of selected Coca Cola product(s) and vice versa.

Debido a la transición del negocio de bebidas de Coca-Cola a PepsiCo, los productos de Coca-Cola y PepsiCo están sujetos a disponibilidad. Los clientes podrían recibir productos de PepsiCo en lugar de los seleccionados de Coca-Cola, y viceversa.

Prices may differ between Delivery and Pickup.

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