Voici les plats et les articles le plus souvent commandés à ce commerce
订单超25免费送一个任意罐装汽水(可乐/健怡可乐/雪碧/新奇士); 或订单超50免费送一瓶任意瓶装饮料(冰红茶/冰糖雪梨/酸梅汤/北冰洋); 或2个个任意罐装汽水(可乐/健怡可乐/雪碧/新奇士); If whole order before TAX is over than 25,you can choose one free can soda (coke/diet coke/sprite/sunkist); OR If whole order before TAX is over than 50,you can choose one free bottel drink (price marked as $3) or any two free can soda; ----多拍不发----- ----OVER LIMITED AMOUNT IS NOT PERMITED-----
首先,让我们选点凉菜吧: First of all,let us choose some appetizers:
接下来,你想吃点牛羊肉吗? Then,would you like some beef or lamb?
Something Good
或者,猪肉和鸡肉怎么样? Or what about pork and chicken?
然后,我们也有一些海鲜。 And,we do have some seafood.
搭配一些蔬菜吗? Would you like to add some vegetable on your order?
太饿了?来点主食吧。 Too hungry?Here are some staples food.