The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
All pho dishes consist of rice noodles and beef broth, come in one size, are topped with cilantro and green, white, and purple onions, add are accompanied with a choice of bean sprouts, lime, jalapenos, basil leaves, sriracha and hoisin sauce. There is no MSG in our pho!
Dishes and soups that mainly utilize thin egg noodles. Our soups consists of egg noodles with chives, green lettuce, fried onions, and your choice of protein in savory house special broth.
A flavorful bowl of vermicelli with choice of protein topped with fresh lettuce, herbs and accompanied with special in-house blended fish sauce.
Our collection of drinks to offer; Thai tea and Vietnamese coffee are recommended :) More desserts will be added in the future.
Due to New regulation, we cannot give out single use utensil and condiment unless customer requested. please add utensil and sauce pack for your order.