The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
(No Substitution)
Come w White Rice on Side (No Substitution) No Steam Rice for Beijing Duck *Bbq Pork: Sauce poured onto *Roast Pork: Sauce Separated *Roast Duck: Sauce Separated *Marinated Chicken: Sauce Separated *Beijing Duck: Sauce Separated
Indicated as hot spicy * (No Substitution)
Indicated as hot spicy * Come w White Rice on Side (No Substitution )
Indicated as hot spicy. * Come w White Rice on Side (No Substitution )
Indicated as hot spicy. * Come w White Rice on Side (No Substitution )
Indicated as hot spicy * Come w White Rice on Side (No Substitution ) We ONLY use WHITE MEAT for our entrees
Thin Egg Noodles Used For Noodle Soup.
Indicated as hot spicy * Come w White Rice on Side (No Substitution )
Indicated as hot spicy * Come w White Rice on Side (No Substitution )
Indicated as hot spicy * (No Substitution)
(No Substitution)
(No Substitution)
(No Substitution)
(No Substitution)
(No Substitution)