Bistec Sandwhich melts in my mouth, pure excellence! Of course fried plantains a must with pique sauce for dipping. Sol Food I feel puts heart and soul into each dish!
Rory K
2 contributions
4 days ago
• DoorDash order
DoorDash didn't update the menu and Sol Food called to help us find the right substitute. SOL Food is the best for both qualiy and service.
Skyler M
4 contributions
• DoorDash review
The French toast was soo delicious! Probably the best French toast I have ever tasted!! My daughter also loved it.
Grace C
2 contributions
2 days ago
• DoorDash order
I bought the Picante sauce that they did not provide which was an extra $7.00 for nothing. They did not provide orders correctly. Very disappointed as I normally love this restaurant.
Ivy S
9 contributions
• DoorDash order
Love the chicken salad. Love the a la carte chicken. Love the Lemon vinaigrette. Love the tasty chewy perfectly cooked medium grian white rice (always good when a place can do the simple (not so simple) stuff really well) and LOVE LOVE LOVE THE PIQUE! Makes a healthy delicious meal any time of day.