The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Cubierto con queso derretido. Servido con arroz, frijoles. / Topped with melted cheese. Served with rice, beans.
Queso o crema extra por un costo adicional. Guacamole por un costo adicional. / Extra cheese or sour cream for an additional cost. Guacamole for an additional charge.
Servido con arroz, frijoles, y ensalada. / Served with rice, beans, and salad.
Servido con arroz, frijoles, y ensalada. / Served with rice, beans, and salad.
Servido con arroz, frijoles, y ensalada. / Served with rice, beans, and salad.
Los aperitivos anteriores se sirven con guarniciones de lechuga, aguacate, tomates, rodajas de naranja, etc. / The above appetizers are served with trimmings of lettuce, avocado, tomatoes, orange slices, etc.
Servido con arroz, frijoles. / Served with rice, beans.
Ostiones en su concha. Ostiones crudos pueden causar enfermedad o aun la muerte en personas que padecen de cirrosis del hígado por alcoholismo, cancer, u otras enfermedades crónicas que debilitan el sistema de inmunidad. Si usted come ostiones crudos y se pone enfermo, busque atención médica inmediatamente. / Oysters on the half shell. Eating raw oysters may cause severe illness or even death to persons with cirrhosis of the liver due to alcoholism, cancer, or other illnesses that weaken the immune system. If you eat raw oysters and become ill, seek medical attention immediately.