The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Nutritionally dense and balanced. High in fiber and protein. All have curry brown rice and beams, coconut mashed potatoes, and at least three additional seasonal veggies. 5-6 oz of protein of your choice.
Not frozen, no syrups or added sugar. Made with fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. 24 oz.
24 oz over ice.
All come with whey protein powder. Vegan protein instead for $1 more.
Curry broth, bone if it's meat soup. so it's high in collagen. Good for joints and skin. Veggie broth if it's vegan. All soups have lentils, potatoes, carrots, and celery.
Random things we have seasonally.
We have a growing grocery section, check it out!
Good for you and help you poop better.
Are stupid, I want to buy one so I can throw it at someone. They're smoothies in a bowl that become a mess in 3 minutes. Get our yogurt parfait instead: whole milk and sugar free yogurt, fruit, peanuts, hemp seeds.
This one is good when you're sick.