The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
If you have an allergy or intolerance, please inform a member of staff before you order. Even if you checked with our staff on your last visit, we occasionally change our recipes and this is the only way to make sure you are receiving the most up-to-date guidance. However please note that when ingredients are handled in the same kitchen it is impossible for us to guarantee that your dish will be 100% allergen-free. So if you do have a serious allergy, please make that known to us before dining, so we can provide you with information to help you make a safe and informed choice.
If you have an allergy or intolerance, please inform a member of staff before you order. Even if you checked with our staff on your last visit, we occasionally change our recipes and this is the only way to make sure you are receiving the most up-to-date guidance. However please note that when ingredients are handled in the same kitchen it is impossible for us to guarantee that your dish will be 100% allergen-free. So if you do have a serious allergy, please make that known to us before dining, so we can provide you with information to help you make a safe and informed choice.
If you have an allergy or intolerance, please inform a member of staff before you order. Even if you checked with our staff on your last visit, we occasionally change our recipes and this is the only way to make sure you are receiving the most up-to-date guidance. However please note that when ingredients are handled in the same kitchen it is impossible for us to guarantee that your dish will be 100% allergen-free. So if you do have a serious allergy, please make that known to us before dining, so we can provide you with information to help you make a safe and informed choice.