The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Por favor incluir alguna alergia a comida en los comentarios. / Please let us know of any food allergies on the comments.
Por favor incluir alguna alergia a comida en los comentarios. / Please let us know of any food allergies on the comments.
Por favor incluir alguna alergia a comida en los comentarios. / Please let us know of any food allergies on the comments.
Majado con ajo, chicharrón, camarones, bistec, pollo, carne de res, queso (los precios varían de acuerdo a la selección de ingredientes). Por favor incluir alguna alergia a comida en los comentarios. / Garlic flavored mashed plantains with pork rinds, shrimps, steak, chicken, beef, cheese (prices will vary based on the ingredients selections of your choice). Please let us know of any food allergies on the comments.
Servido con arroz blanco. / Served with white rice.
Servido con arroz blanco. / Served with white rice.
Servido con arroz blanco. / Served with white rice.
Servido con arroz blanco. / Served with white rice.
Servido con arroz blanco. / Served with white rice.