Servidos con frijoles y queso. / Served with beans and cheese.
Servidos con frijoles, queso y 5 tortillas. / Served with beans, cheese and 5 tortillas.
Vienen con 2 pedazos de pan tostado. / Served with two slices of toast.
Servidos con cilantro y cebolla. / Served with cilantro and onion.
Servidos con frijoles, lechuga, jitomate, aguacate, queso y crema. / Served with beans, lettuce, tomato, avocado, cheese and cream.
Servidos con frijoles y queso. / Served with beans and cheese.
Servidos con frijoles y queso. / Served with beans and cheese.
Todos incluyen queso. / They all include cheese.
Llevan mayonesa, frijoles, lechuga, jitomate y queso. / They have mayonnaise, beans, lettuce, tomato and cheese.
Combo con papas fritas y refresco de lata. / Combo with fries and canned soda.