Catering by El Palacio De Los Jugos
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6:00 am - 7:25 pmFeatured Items
DoorDash Verified Caterer
Delivering great catering experiences for your next event or party. See How →Min 24 hrsorder ahead
8 hrs cancellationbefore delivery
Min $100.00order size
$0.00delivery fee
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The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Proteína / Protein
Proteína / Protein
Costos por cantidad de personas con dos acompañantes, pueden ser moro, congris, arroz con frijoles, maduros, yuca hervida, tostones. / Costs per number of people with two companions, they can be moro, congris, rice with beans, sweet plantains, herbed cassava, tostones
Arroces / Rice
Costo de arroces + 1 acompañante puede ser; maduros, yuca hervida y tostones. / Cost of rice + 1 companion can be; maduros, boiled yucca and tostones.