The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Specials of the Month
Acai Bowls (18oz) (Organic Acai)
Probiotic Yogurt Bowls (18oz)
Choose any five Fruits
Juices (S=16oz, M=20oz, L=24oz, XL=32oz) All Natural. No artificial sweeteners
Salads & Toast
Ice Cream & Paletas
Smoothies (S=16oz, M=20oz, L=24oz, XL=32oz). All Natural
Only Juice Detox plan
Immunity Shots (2oz)
Croissant, Cake and Bites
Fruity Green Boba Tea ( No Milk. Made with Jasmine Green tea)
Bubble Tea Latte (Lactose free milk)
Hot Lavazza Coffee
Cold Coffee
Lemonades ( Beat the Heat)
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