The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Papaya, pineapple, orange
Made with fresh fruit, they are nutritious and delicious for any time of the day. Hechos con fruta fresca, son nutritivos y deliciosos para cualquier ahora del día.
We made our Raspados with shaver ice and home made syrup., choose from our selection of flavors (vanilla, tamarind, mango, pineapple and more) also we have Chamoyadas, chamangos,champiña, diablitos, glorias y more
Super Extreme Cleanse-Detox, is a multihealth fiber, it is ideal for detoxifiying the intestine, liver, kidneys ans pancreas, it rid toxins, contains nutrients and speed up metabolisim which promotes weight loss. Super Limpieza Extreme-detox, es una fibra multisaludable es ideal para desintoxicar el colon, higado, rinones y pancreas, ademas, nutre, desinflama, agiliza el metabolismo.
Juice Combinations
Juice Combinations
Juice Combinations
Super Extreme Cleanse-Detox, is a multihealth fiber, it is ideal for detoxifiying the intestine, liver, kidneys ans pancreas, it rid toxins, contains nutrients and speed up metabolisim which promotes weight loss. Super Limpieza Extreme-detox, es una fibra multisaludable es ideal para desintoxicar el colon, higado, rinones y pancreas, ademas, nutre, desinflama, agiliza el metabolismo.