El Rincon De Macon
Most Ordered
The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Huevos de Desayuno / Breakfast Eggs
Añada queso o carne por un costo adicional. / Add cheese or meat for an additional charge.
Combo de Desayuno / Breakfast Combo
Todas los omelettes se sirven con papas fritas o sémola. Queso extra por un costo adicional. / All omelettes are served with home fries or grits. Extra cheese for an additional charge.
Desayuno Dominicano / Dominican Breakfast
Servido con mangú, guineito o yuca. / Served with mashed green plantains, green banana or cassava.
Panqueques / Pancakes
Sándwiches de Desayuno / Breakfast Sandwiches
Bagel y Pastelillos Caseros / Bagel and Homemade Muffins
Sopas / Soups
Ensaladas / Salads
Sándwiches Fríos y Calientes / Cold And Hot Sandwiches
Servida con lechuga y tomate con queso. / Served with lettuce and tomato with cheese.
Hamburguesas / Burgers
Hamburguesa de lujo servida con papas fritas, lechuga y tomate y pepinillos. / Served with French fries, lettuce, tomato, and pickles.
Pollo / Chicken
Servido con arroz y habichuelas o tostones y ensalada. / Served with rice and beans or plantains and salad.
Selección de Carnes / Meat Selection
Servido con arroz y habichuelas o tostones y ensalada. / Served with rice and beans or plantains and salad.
Mariscos / Seafood
Servido con arroz y habichuelas o tostones y ensalada. / Served with rice and beans or plantains and salad.
Servido con arroz y habichuelas, ensalada, lata de soda gratis. / Served with rice and beans, salad, can of soda free.
Acompañantes / Side Orders
Almuerzo Diario / Daily Lunch Everyday
Servido con arroz y habichuelas. / Served with rice and beans.