The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Verde(Green) o Roja(Red)
Se sirven con arroz, frijoles y pan o tortilla / Served with rice, beans & bread or tortilla.
Our Daily Specials
Se sirven con mayonesa, frijoles, chipotle o rebanadas de jalapeño, queso, tomate, aguacate y lechuga. / Served with mayo, beans, chipotle or slices of jalapeño, cheese, tomato, avocado & lettuce.
Servido con lechuga, queso y crema. / Served with lettuce, cheese & sour cream.
Servido con cilantro y cebolla, y salsa al lado( Served With Cilantro And Onions And Salsa On The Side) And Tacos Arabe are served in a flour tortilla with grilled onions on top and chipotle sauce on the side
Se sirve con arroz, frijoles y ensalada / Served with rice, beans & salad.
Tortilla de harina rellena con arroz, frijoles, queso, aguacate, lechuga, tomate y cebolla. / Flour tortilla stuffed with rice, beans, cheese, avocado, lettuce, tomato and onion.