The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Our Hypnotiq tea is a proprietary of a full spectrum brew - potent and sweet - perfect for a Sunny day in the city, naturally sweetened.
Our Kava comes in both Charma and Tongan. Whereas Tongan is more of sedation you primarily feel through the body, Charma Kava is puts a charm in your state of mind. Go for Tongan after a productive day and Charma to fluff a the stress that comes with being great.
16 oz.
Red, green or white.
6 ml of extract.
Combo of all 3 strains.
16 oz.
What makes Elixir Kava stand out is that we are a Boutique, not a bar. This means we source this highest quality plant products for our holistic audience. Enjoy the wide selection!
3 ml of extract.