The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Everyone knows spring rolls. We fry ours exclusively in avocado oil. The result is no oily flavor and a crisp non oily texture and less carcinogens because of the high smoke point of the high quality oil. We also offer a wide selection of which we put together a few here on this menu and we will continue to "roll" out more and more so come back often and see what's new. Alternatively you may check with our website and click allow updates or notifications once we get that feature worked out.
All stir fry comes with a mix of vegetables that are prepared accordingly such as caramelized onion, Shanghai choy or roasted red pepper and may vary from day to day due to availability. Each unique cure description below highlights some unique additions which may change according to availability. Stir fry come with a side of Rice Berry.
A Nice combination of sweet and savory. Try some of these items maybe served in a way different than previously experiences.