The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Estos desayunos se sirven con: mangú o yuca o guineítos o papas fritas / These breakfast served with: boiled mashed green plantains or cassava or green bananas or French fries Salami Frito, Longaniza Frita, Queso Frito / Fried Salami, Fried Spanish Sausage, Fried Cheese for an extra cost. Estos desayunos se sirven con: mangú o yuca o guineítos o papas frítas / These breakfast served with: boiled mashed green plantains or cassava or green bananas or French fries.
Todos estos platos se sirven con: arroz y habichuelas o tostones o maduros o papas fritas o papas majadas o vegetables / All these orders are served with: rice and beans or green or yellow plantains or French fries or mashed potato or vegetables
Servido todo el día / Served all day. Todos estos platos se sirven con: arroz y habichuelas ó tostones ó maduros papas fritas ó papas majadas ó vegetales / All these orders are served with: rice and beans or green or yellow plantains or French fries or mashed potato or vegetables