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Guira Y Tambora Restaurant
Guira Y Tambora Restaurant
4.5(500+ ratings)•
4.5(500+ ratings)•
Guira Y Tambora Restaurant
4.5(500+ ratings)•
Store Info
4.5(500+ ratings)•
Popular traditional Dominican dishes served up at Guira Y Tambora; to the sophisticated layers of flavor derived of simple ingredients; to the fresh and simple neighborhood favorites Dominican foods.
Full Menu
11:00 am - 10:10 pmMost Liked Items From The Menu
$0 delivery fee, first order
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Most Liked Items From The Menu
Pollo guisado | Stewed chicken
Stewed chicken served with choice of yellow rice, rice and beans including yellow variant, salad, sweet or green plantains, or fries.
•100% (17)
#1 Most Liked
Sancocho | Dominican style soup
Dominican style soup with potatoes, cassava and beef
•68% (22)
#2 Most Liked
Bistec encebollado | Steak w onions
Thinly sliced steak topped with caramelized onions. Choose from yellow rice, rice and beans, salad, sweet plantain, fries, or green plantains.
•92% (13)
#3 Most Liked
Reviews500+ ratings • 40+ public reviews
of 5 stars
Rania W
4 contributions9/30/24
• DoorDash orderThe Pollo guisado | Stewed chicken is ev and more. The yellow rice is a little bland but the means make it really good. Platanos maduros | Fried sweet plantains are really good too.
Caila D
6 contributions3 days ago
• DoorDash orderApologize for the lighting, started to eat the mofongo before I remembered to take the picture because it looked so good. Very filling, authentic taste, good quality. Food was very rich and my daughter loved it as well.
Rosalba A
2 contributions12/12/24
• DoorDash orderEl pollo sin sanlor prieto y quemao el sanchcohosolo agua y dos pedaso de papa un robo so lo
Millie O
5 contributions2/26/25
• DoorDash orderSalty, and too much garlic seasoning
Starr B
5 contributions12/20/24
• DoorDash orderThe yellow rice that I received with my Pollo frito | Fried chicken and the Ensalada de papa | Potatoes salad tasted like metal.
Most Ordered
The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Pa' Picar | Apettizers
Desayuno | Breakfast
Ensalada | Salad
Sopas | Soups
Mofongos Combinados | Mofongo Combinations
Carnes | Meats
Mariscos | Seafoods
Guarniciones | Side
Postres | Dessert
Bebidas | Drinks
Batidas | Smoothies
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Guira Y Tambora Restaurant's address?
Guira Y Tambora Restaurant is located at 4014 Washington St, Roslindale, MA 02131, USA. This is where you will go to get DoorDash Pickup orders, and where Dashers will go to get your DoorDash delivery orders.
Does Guira Y Tambora Restaurant offer delivery or pickup?
You can browse Guira Y Tambora Restaurant’s menu and place an order for both Delivery and Pickup on DoorDash. Guira Y Tambora Restaurant may also offer delivery and pickup on their own or through other delivery services.
What are the most popular dishes at Guira Y Tambora Restaurant?
The dishes most commonly ordered by DoorDash customers at Guira Y Tambora Restaurant are Pollo guisado | Stewed chicken, Sancocho | Dominican style soup and Bistec encebollado | Steak w onions.
Is Guira Y Tambora Restaurant a DashPass eligible store?
Guira Y Tambora Restaurant offers DashPass benefits like $0 delivery, reduced service fees, and $5 credits back on Pickup orders. If you want to know if a store is DashPass eligible, you can look for the DashPass icon next to their name.