The burrito is getting smaller and smaller. For the money it was not good value at all.
Nigel P
2 contributions
4 days ago
• DoorDash review
Rip off. 1.5 chicken strips and a handful of fries. Will be not ordering from this place again. With cost of living Ineed my dollars to stretch further. I will not be orderingfrom this place again. Also whats with the tiny burrito?? So tiny it fits on my hand...
Simon Y
5 contributions
• DoorDash order
That burrito Bowl was made with love and care. Always 10/10 el BOSH
Ebony M
20 contributions
• DoorDash order
Always beautiful food and great value too simple but so very fresh and healthy thanks
Mayara G
2 contributions
• DoorDash order
The food taste good, sauces were in great quantity, but it arrived a bit cold