The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Comes with a side of fresh vegetables.
Contain peanuts. Round rice noodles, eaten in salad from, and come with fish sauce dressing peanuts, lettuce, bean sprouts, cucumber, basil. No protein substitutions.
Pho ("fuh"), flat rice noodle soup, is considered to be the most popular vietnamese dish and is an excellent representation of vietnam's flavorful cuisine. Noodles come submerged in savory beef broth with white & green onions, a side of fresh vegetables. No protein substitution.
Hu tieu is a noodle soup served with chicken broth, much lighter than pho (beef broth). Comes with your choice of noodles. No protein substitution.
Steam-rolled rice cakes, on a bed of veggies, with your choice of meat, and topped with fried & green onions.
Banh hoi is a vietnamese dish consisting of super fine rice noodles woven into intricate bundles and topped with fried & green onions, served with your choice of meat, & lettuce/herbs. Eaten in the same maner as lettuce wrap.
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