I am pho provides high-quality meals and invites you to sample our original and delectable Vietnamese cuisine. The secret to our success is simple: consistently high-quality cuisine that tastes wonder…
Je commande très souvent d'ici, la plupart du temps c'est très frais, mais cette fois ci les vermicelles avaient le goût de "réfrigérateur" comme lorsqu'on réfrigère un plat pour 24h+ rt qu'on le mange ensuite. C'est inoffensif, mais j'aurais préféré éviter ce goût quand je takeout.
2 contributions
• DoorDash review
Simply the best! Always tasty and fresh!
Veronique R
2 contributions
• DoorDash review
They are the best! Always tasty and never had a bad order 💜
Stephan B
1 contributions
• DoorDash review
Better than Pho Lien, broth and noodles are savory and so tasty. Try the Bun Bo hue
Joyce O
2 contributions
• DoorDash order
The Extra boeuf grillé\grilled beef was delicious and outstanding!!! Both types of Rouleaux impériaux végétarien\Vegetarian imperial rolls and the one that came with my main dish are excellent, the nonvegetarian one was superb. On the other hand I did not like the chicken in my main dish,Bun Ga Nuong Cha Gio - quite bland and flavorless, also somewhat dry.