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La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina”
Temporarily closed on DoorDash
La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina” is temporarily closedThis store is temporarily closed
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La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina”
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La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina”•
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La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina”•
La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina”
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La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina”•
Store Info
Temporarily closed on DoorDash
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•La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina”
Auténtica comida Chapina
Jugos 100% naturales
Abierto de Domingo a domingo
Full Menu
8:00 am - 8:10 pmFeatured Items
$0 delivery fee, first order
pricing & fees
to see delivery time
Featured Items
Desayuno con carne asada, huevos al gusto, frijoles, queso, crema, plátanos, aguacate, y tortillas.
Filete de Pescado / Fish Fillet
Desayuno Americano Panqueque, Tocino, Huevo, Fresa, Banano y Pan Tostado / American Breakfast, Pancake, Bacon, Egg, Strawberry, Banana and Toast Breakfast
Rellenito de Manjar y Frijol / Manjar & Bean Stuffed
Arreglos Frutales / Fruit Arrangements
Most Ordered
The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Refacciones / Appetizers
Menú / Menu
Menú Infantil / Kid's Menu
Bebidas Calientes / Hot Beverages
Bebidas Frías / Cold Beverages
Postres / Desserts
Jugos Naturales / Natural Juices
Licuados (Agua o Leche) / Smoothies (Water Or Milk)
Bandejas Ensaladas de Frutas / Trays Of Fruits
Nieves, Raspados y Granizados / Snows, Shaves & Granizados
Cócteles / Cocktails
Frutas Peladas / Peeled Fruits
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina”'s address?
La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina” is located at 979 Lalor St, Trenton NJ 08610-6561, United States. This is where you will go to get DoorDash Pickup orders, and where Dashers will go to get your DoorDash delivery orders.
Does La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina” offer delivery or pickup?
You can browse La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina”’s menu and place an order for both Delivery and Pickup on DoorDash. La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina” may also offer delivery and pickup on their own or through other delivery services.
What are the most popular dishes at La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina”?
The dishes most commonly ordered by DoorDash customers at La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina” are Pupusa, Desayuno con carne asada, huevos al gusto, frijoles, queso, crema, plátanos, aguacate, y tortillas. and Filete de Pescado / Fish Fillet.
Is La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina” a DashPass eligible store?
La Lupita Restaurant “Auténtica comida chapina” is not a DashPass eligible store. You can use the ‘DashPass’ filter on the homepage to find stores on DoorDash that offer DashPass benefits like $0 delivery, reduced service fees, and $5 credits back on Pickup orders. You can also look for the DashPass icon next to the store’s name.