The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Un taco es un plato tradicional mexicano que consiste en una tortilla pequeña o de trigo cubierta con un relleno. / A taco is a traditional Mexican dish consisting of a small or wheat based tortilla topped with a filling.
Filled with your choice of meat and fillings. / Filled with your choice of meat and fillings.
Tortilla que se rellena principalmente con queso y, a veces, con carne, especias y otros rellenos, y luego se cocina a la plancha. / A tortilla that is filled primarily with cheese, and sometimes meats, spices, and other fillings, and then cooked on a griddle.
Repollo rojo, crema mexicana, pico de gallo y queso. / Red cabbage, Mexican cream, pico de gallo and cheese.