Menu prices for this store are estimated. If the amount charged for your items at the store is lower than the amount you were charged at checkout, you'll receive a refund for the difference. Learn More
Prices may differ between Delivery and Pickup.
The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
1 Side & 1 Entree
1 Side & 2 Entrees
1 Side & 3 Entrees
1 Jr. Side, 1 Jr. Entree, Fruit Side & Bottled Water or Kid's Juice
2 Large Sides & 3 Large Entrees
Something Extra with Your Meal
Individual Entrees & Sides
Add a Refreshing Beverage
Large Orders For Your Next Event
Add a Sweet Treat
Following items are included by request only due to local sustainability mandates
Requested number of sauces will default to recommended quantities based on your order size