The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
American food is best exemplified by two distinct branches of cuisine: one that utilizes innovation and a fusion of cultures and one that rests on the traditions of a diverse culinary history.
México has one of the richest gastronomies in the world and Mexican food is one of the most beloved cuisines worldwide! It is the product of a set of ancient techniques, that are followed even today.
Pizza, lasagna, gelato, espresso ... Italian food is one of the most popular cuisines available. Associated with both romantic settings and comfort food, Italian cuisine is the result of years of upheaval, cultural change, invasion, and more.
Japanese cuisine started gaining its flavor in 17th century Edo, which later became known as Tokyo. The city is now home to the most restaurants with Michelin stars.
Dating back over 5000 years. Indian food has been influenced by Mongolian, Persian and Chinese cuisine, among others. The common thread throughout the centuries distinct mixing of spices that invariably give Indian cuisine its flavor and aroma.
In Thai culture, Food is a social occasion in itself since dining alone is considered bad luck.Thai cuisine is a clever combination of Eastern and Western influences harmoniously combined into that je ne sais quoi. Sour, sweet, salty, spicy flavors work together to make each dish come alive.