The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Served with bean sprouts, basil, cilantro, jalapeño, green onion and lime.
Served with bean sprouts, lettuce, cucumber, carrot, peanut, fried onion, green onion and fish sauce dip.
Served with lettuce, cilantro, peanut, fried onion, green onion, rice paper and fish sauce dip.
Served with Ichiban dressing.
Served with steam rice or vermicelli noodle.
Served with steam rice or vermicelli noodle.
Served with steam rice or vermicelli noodle.
Served with steam rice or vermicelli noodle.
Served with steam rice or vermicelli noodle.
Served with steam rice or vermicelli.
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Prices may differ between Delivery and Pickup.