The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup that is prepared by layering choice of meat on a bowl of rice noodles, garnished with chopped scallion, onions and cilantro then finished off with a steamy and savory broth.
Toasted baguette made with your choice of filling and garnished with cucumber, pickled carrots and daikon radish, scallion, cilantro and mayonnaise.
Bun bo Hue is a popular Vietnamese soup known for its balance of spicy, salty and sweet flavors. The broth is prepared by simmering beef and pork with lemongrass and spicy chili oil.
Vietnamese pork broth soup. These soups are served with choice of meat with noodles. Garnished with green leaf lettuce, scallions, chives, cilantro and shallots.
Choose between marinated grilled pork, chicken, beef or shrimp, which are complemented by our soft, silky and white vermicelli noodles.
Our Vietnamese rice dishes are all served with choice of pork, chicken, beef or shrimp grilled to order. Served with rice, lettuce and slices of fresh tomato and cucumber. We will also give you a bowl of rich nuroc mam (garlic fish sauce) to add flavor to your dish.
Sip up some tasty treats from beverage listing.
Our fine ground roast coffee produces a strong satisfying flavor and sweetest condensed milk will add that extra flavor if you like.