John younger generations of vietnamese immigrants in america like cooking pho in a contemporary style to meet their western tastes.
Both chinese and french cookery have a strong effect on the dish.
Very clean place, and the staff go out there way to make sure your happy. Their steak & chicken Phó is excellent. Be careful with the Chicken egg rolls, you might need to order a second batch.
Nick B
6 contributions
• DoorDash order
The shrimp pho is delicious as always. They take great care in following customer requests. The Thai tea is wonderful, especially with the lavender on top. I always look forward to eating here when I can, as the food is great and the staff is super friendly. Would definitely recommend to anyone.
Pooja D
4 contributions
• DoorDash order
The best Phó on this part of town!
Bethany J
1 contributions
• DoorDash review
Good whenever they actual follow through on an order and don't cancel.