The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
All fajita plates come with onion and bell pepper. Served with rice, beans and flour tortillas. *Eating raw or uncooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness. Young children, pregnant women, older adults and those who have certain medical conditions are at greater risk. Before purchasing food please ask us about items offered for sale that may meet this criteria.
Served with rice, beans and flour tortillas.
Served with rice, beans and flour tortillas.
Children 10 and under. Adults for an extra cost. Kids meal does not include drink.
Served with rice and beans. All poblano pepper covered with red sauce. (Choice of ground beef or shredded chicken, chicken, cheese or bean filling).
Chimichangas garnished with lettuce, sour cream, guacamole and pico de gallo. Served with rice and beans.