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4.1(120+ ratings)•
MDS - TJ Hot Stuff
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4.1(120+ ratings)•
$•MDS - TJ Hot Stuff
To ensure that our consumers only receive a delicious, high-quality product, we handpick the freshest ingredients from the market. Our secret is that our excellent head chef combines traditional Thai …
The massaman curry tasted authentic, the slow cooked beef was bang on perfect melt in your mouth. Appreciate the meal you guys cooked for me!
This is the place for real Thai food
Deep fried prawns were ok
Charity W
1 contributions
• DoorDash review
Food Sooooooo tasty ! I ordered Kao Pad Sub Pra Rod and Banan fritter (come with mango ice cream) , Thi Milk tea. Food was excellent , I will order again next time. Next time pls remember give me spoon and straw :) thanks
Lynne C
1 contributions
• DoorDash order
Tom yum was leaking from container, round vessel better.
Dessert tasty and warm. Just great balance of sweet and creamy