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Menu prices for this store are estimated. If the amount charged for your items at the store is lower than the amount you were charged at checkout, you'll receive a refund for the difference. Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Sparrow's address?
Sparrow is located at 939 S Figueroa St Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA. This is where you will go to get DoorDash Pickup orders, and where Dashers will go to get your DoorDash delivery orders.
Is Sparrow a DashPass eligible store?
Sparrow is not a DashPass eligible store. You can use the ‘DashPass’ filter on the homepage to find stores on DoorDash that offer DashPass benefits like $0 delivery, reduced service fees, and $5 credits back on Pickup orders. You can also look for the DashPass icon next to the store’s name.
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