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Spices Indian Restaurant
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Spices Indian Restaurant
4.7(40+ ratings)•
Indian, Snacks•
4.7(40+ ratings)•
Indian, Snacks•
Spices Indian Restaurant
4.7(40+ ratings)•
Indian, Snacks•
Store Info
4.7(40+ ratings)•
$$•Indian, Snacks
Full Menu
closedMost Liked Items From The Menu
A$0 delivery fee, first order
pricing & fees
to see delivery time
Courier tracking may be different for this store
This store decides if its courier or a Dasher delivers your order. The store and its courier may receive your name, address, delivery instructions, and phone number to help deliver to you. Learn More
Most Liked Items From The Menu
Kothu Roti
Chef's Special
Goat (With Bone)
Side Dishes
From Tandoor (Naan Breads)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Spices Indian Restaurant's address?
Spices Indian Restaurant is located at 231A Main Rd, Toukley NSW 2263, Australia. This is where you will go to get DoorDash Pickup orders, and where Dashers will go to get your DoorDash delivery orders.
Does Spices Indian Restaurant offer delivery or pickup?
You can browse Spices Indian Restaurant’s menu and place an order for both Delivery and Pickup on DoorDash. Spices Indian Restaurant may also offer delivery and pickup on their own or through other delivery services.
Is Spices Indian Restaurant a DashPass eligible store?
Spices Indian Restaurant is not a DashPass eligible store. You can use the ‘DashPass’ filter on the homepage to find stores on DoorDash that offer DashPass benefits like $0 delivery, reduced service fees, and $5 credits back on Pickup orders. You can also look for the DashPass icon next to the store’s name.