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4.4(200+ ratings)•
4.4(200+ ratings)•
4.4(200+ ratings)•
Store Info
4.4(200+ ratings)•
In Sainte-Thérèse or Saint-Jérôme, the Voltigeurs restaurants welcome you every day for breakfast (Sainte-Thérèse only), lunch or dinner. We offer modern and varied cuisine in a warm setting just a st…
Journalier / All Day
10:30 am - 9:45 pmMost Liked Items From The Menu
CA$0 delivery fee, first order
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Most Liked Items From The Menu
Original Poutine
Avec frites fraîches et choix de sauce. / With fresh fries and choice of sauce.
•88% (34)
#1 Most Liked
14" sous-marin spécial Voltigeurs / 14" Special Voltigeurs Submarine
Servie avec oignons, salade, tomates, vinaigrette, et fromage. / Served with onions, salad, tomatoes, vinaigrette, and cheese.
•92% (28)
#2 Most Liked
Club sandwich à la viande blanche / White Meat Sandwich Club
Servi avec frites, salade de chou, sauce BBQ, et vrai mayonnaise. / Served with fries, coleslaw, BBQ sauce, and real mayonnaise.
•91% (24)
#3 Most Liked
Most Ordered
The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Ailes de Poulet / Chicken Wings
Super Special Trios
BBQ / Charcoal
Wrap Géante / Giant Wraps
Poisson et frites / Fish & Chips
Fait Maison 100% Morue. / Home-made 100% Cod.
Salade fraîche / Fresh Salad
Frais et croustillant. / Fresh & crispy.
Viande fumée (à l'ancienne) / Smoked Meat (Old Fashioned)
Delicieux Sous-Marins / Famous Subs
Pizza Délicieuse et Bien Garnie / Delicious Fresh Pizza
Les Poutines ( Sauce brune) / Poutine (Homemade Brown Gravy)
Spécialités Grecques/ Greek specialties
Club Sandwiches
Pâtes / Pastas
Hamburgers Gourmands / Gourmet Hamburgers
Casse-croûte / Snack
Menu pour enfants / Kids Corner
Gâteaux / Desserts
Café/ Coffee
Breuvages / Beverages
Sauces et vinaigrettes maison / Homemade Sauces and Salad Dressings
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Voltigeurs's address?
Voltigeurs is located at Voltigeurs, 300 Boulevard du Curé-Labelle, Sainte-Thérèse, QC J7E 2Y1, Canada. This is where you will go to get DoorDash Pickup orders, and where Dashers will go to get your DoorDash delivery orders.
Does Voltigeurs offer delivery or pickup?
You can browse Voltigeurs’s menu and place an order for Delivery on DoorDash. Voltigeurs does not take orders for Pickup on DoorDash at this time. Voltigeurs may also offer delivery and pickup on their own or through other delivery services.
What are the most popular dishes at Voltigeurs?
The dishes most commonly ordered by DoorDash customers at Voltigeurs are Poutine Phill Jones / Phil Jones Poutine, Souvlaki au poulet sur pita / Chicken Souvlaki on Pita and Wrap César au poulet grillé / Grilled Chicken Caesar Wrap.
Is Voltigeurs a DashPass eligible store?
Voltigeurs offers DashPass benefits like $0 delivery, reduced service fees, and $5 credits back on Pickup orders. If you want to know if a store is DashPass eligible, you can look for the DashPass icon next to their name.