Wojia Hunan Cuisine
Most Liked Items From The Menu
Most Liked Items From The Menu
Most Ordered
The most commonly ordered items and dishes from this store
Appetizers / 湘馆精美前菜
Please inform your server if any food allergies & dietary restrictions. / 如果您对任何食物过敏,请预先告知服务员 Vegetarian diet-low-sodium & spicy level can always be substituted. / 素食,低钠和辛辣水平可据个人需求作调整
House Special / 我家首选 名师推荐
Please inform your server if any food allergies & dietary restrictions. / 如果您对任何食物过敏,请预先告知服务员 Vegetarian diet-low-sodium & spicy level can always be substituted. / 素食,低钠和辛辣水平可据个人需求作调整
Hunan Style Rice Noodles / 正宗湖南米粉
Please inform your server if any food allergies & dietary restrictions. / 如果您对任何食物过敏,请预先告知服务员 Vegetarian diet-low-sodium & spicy level can always be substituted. / 素食,低钠和辛辣水平可据个人需求作调整
Classic Dishes / 经典本地菜
Please inform your server if any food allergies & dietary restrictions. / 如果您对任何食物过敏,请预先告知服务员 Vegetarian diet-low-sodium & spicy level can always be substituted. / 素食,低钠和辛辣水平可据个人需求作调整
Impressive Dishes / 舌尖上的怦然心动
Please inform your server if any food allergies & dietary restrictions. / 如果您对任何食物过敏,请预先告知服务员 Vegetarian diet-low-sodium & spicy level can always be substituted. / 素食,低钠和辛辣水平可据个人需求作调整
Sizzling & Pots/ 石锅,干锅,铁板系列
Steam / 私房蒸菜系列
Please inform your server if any food allergies & dietary restrictions. / 如果您对任何食物过敏,请预先告知服务员 Vegetarian diet-low-sodium & spicy level can always be substituted. / 素食,低钠和辛辣水平可据个人需求作调整
Fresh Greens / Vegetarian / 素菜系列
Please inform your server if any food allergies & dietary restrictions. / 如果您对任何食物过敏,请预先告知服务员 Vegetarian diet-low-sodium & spicy level can always be substituted. / 素食,低钠和辛辣水平可据个人需求作调整
Soup / 汤羹系列
Please inform your server if any food allergies & dietary restrictions. / 如果您对任何食物过敏,请预先告知服务员 Vegetarian diet-low-sodium & spicy level can always be substituted. / 素食,低钠和辛辣水平可据个人需求作调整
Rice & Noodles / 米饭&面
Please inform your server if any food allergies & dietary restrictions. / 如果您对任何食物过敏,请预先告知服务员 Vegetarian diet-low-sodium & spicy level can always be substituted. / 素食,低钠和辛辣水平可据个人需求作调整
Desserts / 甜品
Please inform your server if any food allergies & dietary restrictions. / 如果您对任何食物过敏,请预先告知服务员 Vegetarian diet-low-sodium & spicy level can always be substituted. / 素食,低钠和辛辣水平可据个人需求作调整